The tool is designed in such a way so that reliable platform of learning can be given to the students. In case you are in search of an educational app, AYN Infotech will be the one stop place for you.
Kids spend their maximum time in front of the computer. They are captivated with technologies. Their involvement as well as interest in education software can assist them to learn faster.
We and our software are always ready to provide the best educational software solutions to you. Our software offer students the right amount of exposure to educational software.
Tracking details
The software assists parent to track the details of students. It will tell you the current status of bus, bus number, number of holidays in schools, and much more.
Online Performance
There is no need to be dependent on report card as the parents can check the performance of students online.
Preparing Online Papers
Teachers can prepare online test papers for students to take the test online. After preparing they can upload the paper for the online assessment.